Repeat Prescriptions

If you need regular medication, your doctor will authorise repeat prescriptions.

It is no longer possible to order your repeat prescriptions via telephone.

How to Order your Prescription.

  • Register for online services. Once registered you can order your prescription 24hrs a day, 7 days a week via the link at the top of this page. Call in to reception with some photograph ID and they will issue you with a password
  • Tick the boxes on the right hand side of your prescription formand put this in the prescription box in the foyer of the surgery.
  • Repeat Dispensing- ask at reception to see if you qualify for this. If you have had no problems with your medication it may be possible for us to arrange for this to be supplied by the pharmacy for 6 months without the need for you to visit the surgery every month to place an order
  • Post your request to us.

Please allow 2 working days for your prescription to be processed.

How to collect your Prescription

  • Nominate a pharmacy of your choice and it should be possible for us to send your prescription electronically to them.
  • Call at reception and collect your prescription between 11:00 and 18:00 any weekday. 
  • Ask a pharmacy of your choice to collect your prescription for you. Boots, Clemitsons and Vaib Pharmacy, in Crook, along with Britton & Robson, in Willington, and Asda in Bishop Auckland offer a prescription collection service to save you calling into the surgery. Please ask them for details.
  • Supply a stamped addressed envelopeand we can post your prescription out to you.

Not Registered for Online Services?

Prescription Alignment Service

What is an Alignment?

An alignment of medication means all your regular medication can be organised so it all runs out at the same time, this means you will only have to put one order in.

How Does it Work?

  • Submit the online alignment form on our website when you order your next prescription
Count all the medication you have and record the name and figures on the sheet. If you are unable to complete the form – you can book an appointment with the practice pharmacy technician to help you with the alignment. You will be given enough supply on your next prescription of each medication to coincide with the medication you have the most of.

Are there any medicines that can't be aligned?

Yes, any medication that is taken as required:

  • Painkillers
  • Inhalers
  • Creams
  • Diabetic products
  • Appliances/wound products
  • Warfarin

What happens next?

Your medications should now all run out at the same time, when you put your next request in you should be able to order

**you can only align your prescriptions once within the year unless you discuss with the pharmacy technician**

Please click the button underneath this section to complete the Prescription Alignment Form

Prescription Alignment Form