Patient Participation Group

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

North House Surgery PPG was set up in September 2011 and first met in November 2011.

Everyone registered with the surgery and all doctors and staff of the practice are automatically members of the group. The 15 elected committee members meet at least eight times a year. Elections are run in May and nominations for new members are invited then.

The role of the PPG includes:

  • being a critical friend to the practice
  • Advising the practice on the patient perspective
  • Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their families health
  • Carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice.

Anyone wishing any information on the Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG), please contact the Practice Manager/PPG by clicking on the link to the right, 'Contact the PPG', and completing the online form

PPG Info Leaflet 0423.pdf

Patient Participation Group Meeting Information

PPG Constitution 2021 Website.pdf


 NHS PPG Meeting Minutes 091122 Website.pdf


PPG Meeting Minutes 21 February 2023.pdf

PPG Meeting Minutes 26th April 2023.pdf 

Future Dates Of PPG Meetings

Wednesday, 21st February 2024

Wednesday, 10th April 2024

Wednesday, 12th June 2024

Wednesday, 21st August 2024, 

Wednesday, 9th October 2024

Wednesday, 11th December 2024

Meetings are held at 9.30am from the community venue of Crook Community Leisure Centre